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English translation for "rift valley"


Related Translations:
rift:  n.1.裂口,罅隙,空隙,裂缝。2.【地质学;地理学】断裂;断层线;长狭谷;河流浅石滩。3.分裂,不和。短语和例子a little rift within the lute 嫌隙;最初的分歧;发狂的预兆〔神志开始不清〕。vt.,vi.破开,裂开,劈开。
valley:  n.1.谷,峪,河谷;凹处。2.流域。3.【建筑】屋谷,屋面天沟。短语和例子the valley of the shadow of death 死荫的幽谷〔源出《圣经》《诗篇》〕;临死的(痛苦)时候。
death valley:  死谷〔美国 California 州东部不长树木的干燥盆地〕。
synclinal valley:  向斜谷。
silicon valley:  硅谷〔美国加州南部圣他克拉拉谷地高科技电脑业云集的地区〕。
drowned valley:  被海水淹没而成为出海口或海湾的山谷。
paradise valley:  〔美国〕(美国西部的)世外桃源。
Example Sentences:
1.We are descending into the galapagos rift valley .
2.They, too, found warm-water spots along the center of the rift valley .
3.If the young lava in the galapagos rift valley contained similar fractures, they might provide avenues for seawater to circular in the crust .
4.Oceanic rift valley system
5.Rift valley fever virus
6.It is located in the country of tanzania , near the equator , along africa s great rift valley
7.It is located in the country of tanzania , near the equator , along africa s great rift valley
8.The great rift valley , from eritrea to mozambique , could produce 7 , 000mw
9.Seamounts , underwater volcanoes , rift valley , the mid - ocean ridge , constitute a rich world of the ocean floor
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